Milestones and Rewards


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    Started Medical Store

    21 January, 2005
    Medical Store

    Once upon a time in 2001, Kamlesh Jain found himself working a regular job at a medical store. However, he had dreams of something bigger. In 2005, he took a leap of faith and opened his own medical store called "Adarsh Medical Store". Kamlesh's determination and hard work paid off as Adarsh soon became a trusted name in the neighborhood.

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    Founded Divya Enterprises

    15 May, 2009
    Divya Enterprises

    In 2009, Kamlesh decided to expand his business ventures and established Divya Enterprises, a company that focused on providing medical equipment and supplies. He partnered with his friend, Aatish Jain, who shared his entrepreneurial spirit and vision.

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    Founded Dheer Health Care Pvt. Ltd.

    18 December, 2014
    Dheer Enterprises

    As the years passed, Kamlesh's ambition grew. In 2014, he founded another enterprise called Dheer Enterprises, which specialized in pharmaceutical products. Kamlesh's relentless pursuit of excellence and his ability to identify market demands led to the success of both Divya Enterprises and Dheer Enterprises.

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    Founded Brix Medic

    5 May, 2017
    Brix Medic

    In 2017, a new chapter unfolded as Kamlesh Jain and his partners Aatish Jain and Najul Nagda founded 'Brix Medic,' marking a significant milestone on their journey. This venture brought innovative healthcare solutions to the forefront, contributing to the well-being of countless individuals.

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    Founded Brix Biopharma

    30 October, 2019
    Brix Biopharma

    In 2019, fueled by his unyielding thirst for innovation and a determination to revolutionize healthcare, Kamlesh Jain united with Aatish Jain, Najul Nagda and Priyank Jain. Together, they founded Brix Biopharma, a pioneering pharmaceutical company dedicated to the development of groundbreaking drugs and therapies.

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    Established Brix Biopharma Factory

    2 February, 2023
    Brix Biopharma Factory

    In 2023, Brix Biopharma reached new heights with the establishment of its state-of-the-art factory. Najul Nagda and Priyank Jain worked tirelessly to ensure that the factory was equipped with advanced technology and the highest quality standards, enabling the production of life-changing medications.


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    CE Certificate

    28 August, 2022

    Our pioneering research and development efforts have been acknowledged with the CE Certificate, highlighting our commitment to pushing the boundaries of pharmaceutical innovation.

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    ISO Certificate

    2 October, 2022

    Brix Biopharma proudly attains the ISO certificate, signifying our commitment to top-tier standards in biopharmaceutical manufacturing, ensuring quality and continual enhancement.

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    WHO GMP Certificate

    9 December, 2022

    Brix Biopharma secures WHO GMP certificate, affirming our adherence to stringent global standards in pharmaceutical manufacturing. This recognition underscores our unwavering commitment to product quality and patient safety.

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    Certificate of Good Manufacturing Practices

    5 March, 2023

    Brix Biopharma proudly achieves the Certificate of Good Manufacturing Practices, showcasing our dedication to maintaining the highest standards in pharmaceutical production. This certification reaffirms our commitment to quality assurance and regulatory compliance.